Andrew. His new favorite Wii game is Spore Hero. It is really a cute game. You start as a basic alien and collect/win different body parts as the game progresses. At certain points you can go back to your alien nest and apply these new parts to your alien’s body. The parts are designed to give you better running, jumping and fighting abilities.
It takes great concentration to add said parts to the proper area of the body.
Sitting at my computer, I knew what he was doing and I was ok with it. He and I have played this game together many times. It is a PG game.
After a few minutes he starts cracking up and calls me out to see what he’s done to his alien. “Blaahhahhha, you’ve got to see this. He looks SOOOO COOOOOLLLL.”
After my eyeballs had been picked up off the floor and safely put back in their sockets, I told him I thought it would be a tad difficult for him to walk or run with three legs like that.
Then I locked myself in the bathroom and took a few deep breaths.