Monday, January 24, 2011

I Heart Faces | Innocent Wonder

This week’s theme over at I Heart Faces is Innocent Wonder and my favorite picture from the past couple of weeks is this one:

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A friend’s daughter.  She is three.  After watching the older kids snowboard, she begged and begged to give it a try.  When the answer was always no, she took matters into her own hands; going to the bottom of the big hill, finding a smaller one and conning her older sister into letting her give it a go.  When her parents noticed what was going on, her dad brought her halfway up the big hill, put her little boots inside the bindings and sent her on her way.  I love how she looked up at me to make sure I was watching.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Just because…

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I have nothing better to do than take pictures of my animals.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I Heart Faces | Winter Wonderland

This week’s theme over at I Heart Faces is Winter Wonderland.  Well…..with all the snow we’ve had recently, finding a picture worthy of the theme was no problem at all.  Deciding on one of the 10,000 snow pictures I have?  Now that left me scratching my head.  But alas I chose this one.

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Nothing depicts a Winter Wonderland more than a child sledding until her feet can’t drag her up the hill anymore.


Monday, January 10, 2011

I Heart Faces Photo Contest | Smile

This week’s photo contest theme over at I Heart Faces is Smile and while I have TONS of pictures with smiles of all shapes and sizes, none of them crack me up more than this picture right here.


There is nothing better than a group of adults having more fun sledding than their children.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

For the kids.

We had snow on the ground here in central Illinois for almost the entire month of December.  I think it broke some sort of record.  Apparently snow in December is a rare occasion around these parts.  And when there is snow, we must sled!  So, sled we did.  Four times over the course of  two days.   If everyday life would not get in my way we’d have gone EVERYDAY!!

And sledding would not be sledding unless we invited friends.  LOTS of friends.     

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That way I can say I do it for the kids.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Girls are really weird.

I don’t really know what to say about these pictures.

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I don’t really know what their goal was.

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I just know that when we got home they set up their make-shift spa, busted out the chocolate and cucumber mud masks and asked me to take pictures.

And when they headed outside to go for a walk around the block looking like this:

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Andrew turned to me and said “Mom, girls are really WEIRD!!”