Yep. The holidays are right around the corner and this year, like every year, I thought I’d get a jump start on pictures for our Christmas cards. I loath this process. The picture I always envision for the card is nothing like the one that actually gets printed. Inevitably one of the two kids is in a bad mood and refuses to smile. They don’t want to stand next too or touch each other. There is usually a fight about clothing, hair style or location. The only reason we get one so-so picture every year is almost always because I threaten them within an inch of their lives. Not this year.
This year I decided to do something different. Take their pictures individually. And so Andrew, being the only one home this afternoon, was the first. Easy enough I thought. Him. A good mood. The dog. Great lighting. And this. This is what I got.
“Help? Someone? Anyone?”
The dog. Clearly as amused about this process as I am.