Emma came today and Andrew spent the first 30 minutes floating around the house on cloud nine. Emma has come over before and, given the gender difference, it always takes them a bit to get busy playing together. Emma LOVES baby dolls and everything that goes along with them. Andrew? Well, he's a sword wielding, monster slaying, bug/reptile collector. The two of them could not be more different with the exception of one common link. They are both avid animal lovers. The majority of the time they spend together is playing some sort of imaginary dog game and, as is customary in every man's life, Andrew is usually the dog. Crawling on hands and knees after Emma all over the house. It has truly given me a glimpse into his future with women.
As the afternoon wore on I thought it might be fun for the two of them to give the dog a bath.
Enter Butkus:

Butkus is a 12 year old Maltese that, up until the end of the summer, lived with my sister-in-law, Jennifer, and her mother in Champaign. Jennifer went off to college, her mother moved into an apartment, and so....Butkus came to live here. I have to be perfectly honest. I am not a small dog person. I am especially not a small dog who needs to be groomed regularly person. On the other hand, I have a heart and could not bear the thought of him going to a shelter for the last remaining years of his life. The kids love him. And so does our very strange cat.
Bath time was really very cute.
And, of course, no dog bath would be complete without the help of the very strange cat.
In the end the dog was clean and fluffy and the kids resumed their imaginary dog play. Emma walking away, Andrew dropping to has hands and knees and running after her.

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