The Lady Aggies. That's the name of Sydney's basketball team. Today was game 6. Today was also their 6th loss. A tough pill to swallow when you played the first 4 quarters and helped give your team a comfortable lead only to helplessly watch from the bench as it was being stripped away. In the end the deficit was insurmountable.
Sydney inherited her father's competitiveness. She does not lose well. She takes it pretty personal in fact. Today, like all the others, was no exception. Oh I've tried giving her the "it's all about having fun" speech. I've recited that one to her on numerous occasions. Recently she said "There is no F-U-N in losing mom!" in her best I'm only 9 going on 16 tone of voice.
That competitive spirit can be down right impossible to live with at times but gosh, it sure is fun to watch her.

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