Two years ago my family and I left tree frog infested Florida and moved to a very small town bordered by lush cornfields. We live in an old house. Across got it, a cornfield. We were warned early on that the harvest, coupled with cold weather, forced mice and other critters to seek shelter elsewhere. We were warned that it is not uncommon to have a mouse or two or three or four in your house during the winter. "No problem" I thought. "We have a cat!" Truthfully I was just happy I no longer had to deal with tree frogs.
So the first winter came and went without incident. I figured our cat did a pretty good job keeping them at bay. I made it my duty to point out to my cat hating father-in-law that cats ARE good for something.
This winter has been a completely different story. I'm now feeling like word has gotten out in the mouse community that the cat living in the Kunkel house is much like that Tom from Tom and Jerry. Only 15 lbs heavier.
Including today, we have had a total of six mice. The cat has killed one. Sorry, but I consider that an infestation! This is why I cleaned Meijers out of mouse traps on Sunday. This is also why I sat the cat down and explained to him that he'd better get his act together.

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