My plan was to watch from the car. Her coaches moved her group to the far away soccer field. I could not see. I'm certain it was a conspiracy. **Note to self, purchase binoculars during next Walmart trip.**
I left the safety of my car. It took me 15 minutes to walk against the wind to get to her field. It took me another 10 minutes to remove my chair from its bag and wrestle it to the unfolded position. I put the camera on the ground while I wrestled. The camera began to tumbleweed away from me. I let go of the chair to chase the camera. I caught the camera, just in time to see the chair fly by. It took myself and two other people to catch the chair and wrestle it back to the field. I really hate the wind.
I sit and watch the game. Well, I tried too. The wind is blowing my hair in every direction. I feel like I have my own personal tornado overhead.
I tried to take pictures. Every shot either had my hair in it or was blurry. The gusting wind prevented my hands from holding the camera still. This is the only shot I managed:
A self portrait of sorts.
It was the longest two hours of my life. I'm really not certain exactly how much soccer was actually played. I think the kids spent more time chasing the balls that were taken away by the wind. Parents chased the balls too. I did not. I was afraid my chair would fly away again.
She's done. I'm trying to wrestle my chair back into the bag. The wind fills the bag, rips it out of my hands and takes it far, far away. I'm not chasing the bag. No one else did either. I'm certain it is sitting on runway #3 of the Bloomington airport. And I don't really care anymore.
Did I mention that I hate the wind?