Andrew's class is learning about the letter "V" this week. The theme of the discussion at the dinner table Monday evening was what "V" item could we find for Andrew to bring for show and tell. Sydney's violin immediately came to mind and we discussed the fact that maybe each of the kids in his class could have a turn plucking a string. Sydney mentioned that not only was V for violin, but V is also for Violinist. To our surprise, she jumped in and volunteered to not only bring her violin to the class for him, but would also play a couple of songs. Andrew's eyes beamed with excitement.
Before school this morning the two went through one of her music books and carefully selected the pieces she would play.

So at 9:00 this morning I signed her out of school. Although she talked to me about being nervous, once she entered the classroom and introduced herself it became perfectly clear that the nerves had exited the building.
She began by naming the different parts of the violin.

Told them about the bow, demonstrated the "bow hold" and then helped Mrs. Polly achieve the "perfect" bow hold.

She played her songs, Old McDonald Had A Farm and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The children sang along. She played each string and explained what note she was playing.

At the end she allowed each child to pluck a string.

And it is during moments like these, as I sit back in a corner and snap away, that I just can't believe she is only 9. Can't believe that my little girl is beginning to look and act a lot like a young woman.
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