It's no secret. I loath frogs. Any and all frogs. I am an equal opportunity frog hater. So I am certain the powers-at-be knew exactly what they were doing when they sent me this frog loving boy.

Along came this whippersnapper with the "not so innocent smile" on her face.
She is Sydney's all creature loving friend, Lauren. She also got way to close to me with one of those frogs. She was the only one who thought she was funny.
She and Andrew were in cahoots together.

**snicker, snicker**

and could not move. She was not laughing anymore. "Melanie, we have to help it." she says. To which I responded, "Ok, go lay it under the tire of my car and I will put it out of it's misery." I was the only one laughing at that. **snicker, snicker**
Lauren sat in the grass for about 15 minutes petting and talking to the injured frog.

Then Sydney came along.

But then it was time to play with the horses and thankfully, the injured frog was put in the bushes and forgotten about.
And no one was happier about that than me! And probably the frog too.
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