"The look". We have all pulled "the look" out of our bags at one time or another to use on our husbands, our children or even an annoying salesperson trying to pull the wool over our eyes. I personally have spent a lot of time perfecting "the look" and it was not until I had children that "the look" became an everyday part of my life. An extension of my mind, my hands and my ability to parent from across a crowded room. I was safe in the knowledge that, for at least a few more years, I would be the only one under our roof with the power of "the look". I was mistaken.
During a recent manicure with her Aunt, Sydney was asked if there were any boys in her class that she had a crush on. Her immediate reaction was "NO!" Simple. Straight forward. Instead of using "the look" I simply mentioned the name of a certain someone of the male persuasion that she seems to well, have a crush on. And this is what happened:
First she snorted and laughed that "Oh no you just didn't!" laugh. But then...
She pulled "the look" out of her bag and used it on me! Can we just skip the teenage years?

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