Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Funny Things in Life.

Today is April 5th.   I’ve already checked my email,  creeped on Facebook and stalked my favorite photography blogs.  The dog has herded the cats to the basement no fewer than 12 times.  The kids will be up soon.  One will be happy and one will not.  Pancakes will be made, shoes will be tied, and teeth will be brushed.  Friends will arrive for their daily ride to school.   A seemingly normal day like the many that have come before it.  But today is April 5th.  April 5th is the Consolidated Election in our area.  I’ve written about the Consolidated Election before.  You can read about it here.  That was funny.  But really, what is funnier than that day is today.  Because today, MY name appears on the ballot.  Nothing will be funnier today than the thought that I, Melanie Kunkel, will be an elected official by this time tomorrow.   
