Monday, January 24, 2011

I Heart Faces | Innocent Wonder

This week’s theme over at I Heart Faces is Innocent Wonder and my favorite picture from the past couple of weeks is this one:

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A friend’s daughter.  She is three.  After watching the older kids snowboard, she begged and begged to give it a try.  When the answer was always no, she took matters into her own hands; going to the bottom of the big hill, finding a smaller one and conning her older sister into letting her give it a go.  When her parents noticed what was going on, her dad brought her halfway up the big hill, put her little boots inside the bindings and sent her on her way.  I love how she looked up at me to make sure I was watching.


  1. That is fantastic. My 5 yr old wants to snowboard soo bad.

  2. I was skiing just this past weekend and saw the cutest little ones skiing/boarding and wished that I had my camera! This pic is a great one :)

  3. That is super cute! Love the story behind the photo. That is one brave 3 y/o! :)
